YouTube is rolling out a new feature for Shorts creators to connect with brands for partnerships. Creators with over 4,000 subscribers in the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) can now tag brands directly in their Shorts content. This tag serves as an invitation for potential sponsorships.

Previously, only brands could initiate these types of collaborations. This new feature reverses the process, letting creators pitch at brands and initiate brand partnerships.  

If a creator posted a video about a brand’s product, the brand could reach out via YouTube Studio to request a link to the video in Google Ads. If the creator agreed, the brand would gain access to the video’s performance metrics in Google Ads and be granted reuse rights. 

How it works

Once a creator tags a brand in a Shorts video, YouTube will recommend this tagged content to the brand. If the brand decides to use it in an ad, the creator-initiated link will work like an advertiser-initiated link. Brands can track video performance on Google Ads and gain the right to use the content in their marketing campaigns.

The platform recently extended the Shorts video length to 3 minutes from the previous 60-second limit. Now, it is allowing Shorts creators to prompt brands for potential partnerships.

YouTube’s ‘Data Story’ feature

YouTube is also rolling out updates to its “Data Story” feature. Data Stories, launched in 2022, allows creators to view key video performance metrics. With this update, Data Stories will now provide a snapshot of a video’s performance in its first 24 hours.

YouTube’s “Most Relevant” filter for comments

YouTube is also testing a new “Most Relevant” filter for comments on YouTube Studio. This feature is currently available to a limited number of Studio mobile and desktop creators. 

The platform says the update aims to help creators find engaging comments, like questions and suggestions.

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