YouTube has introduced a new fewer, longer ad breaks format on connected TVs. The platform has started grouping ads, reducing the frequency of interruptions during longer video sessions. 

According to YouTube, viewers prefer to have all the video ads shown together in one block at a specific point, rather than having ads appear at different intervals throughout the video. 

The platform reported that 79% of viewers preferred this approach, which has resulted in a 50% increase in viewing sessions before the next ad appears. 

Benefits for advertisers and viewers

YouTube claimed that its new format with fewer, longer ad breaks will enhance advertisers' ability to reach their target audience without disrupting viewers' content. “advertisers have more opportunities to connect with their target viewers while minimizing interruptions to viewing sessions.”

The platform also claimed that the update is aimed to enhance viewers' experience. “With this update, we’ll continue to minimize the number of ad breaks for those who enjoy longer videos.” Romana Pawar, Director, Product Management, YouTube Ads said. 

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