Tumblr has launched Tumblr TV as a new tab in its app. The platform is moving from its original role as a GIF discovery tool into a video content feature. 

Tumblr TV: From GIF discovery to video content

Tumblr TV was previously launched in 2015 as an experimental GIF-finding feature. The company later introduced it as a Labs experiment, accessible only to select users. Now, Tumblr has fully integrated Tumblr TV into the app as a dedicated video-focused feature.

According to Tumblr, new users will see Tumblr TV enabled by default as the third tab, while existing users can activate it through Dashboard Tab configuration settings.

The platform rolled out the update as users explored alternative platforms following TikTok's legal challenges and temporary bans in the U.S. on January 19. While the ban is currently on hold, uncertainty about TikTok's long-term availability remains.

Following TikTok's ban, Tumblr experienced a surge in new users and increased engagement in its Communities feature. Tumblr’s iOS app installs rose by 35% and Community sign-ups increased by 70%, according to TechCrunch.

How Tumblr TV works

Unlike TikTok, which focuses on short-form video content, Tumblr TV offers a more basic video experience. It features curated channels like Art and Sports, with vertical swipe navigation. Tumblr also integrates videos and GIFs, along with scrubbing and lightbox features to enhance playback. 

Despite these updates, Tumblr TV videos were not initially designed for vertical viewing like TikTok. As a result, some visuals fall short of TikTok's quality.

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