Tubi has launched ‘Scenes,’ a new short-form video feature. The feature delivers curated 60 to 90-second clips from Tubi's content library. According to the streaming platform, the new tool will let viewers discover what to watch by scrolling through videos from its movie and TV episodes. 

How can users access and use the Scenes feature?

The feature is accessible through a dedicated tab in the Tubi mobile app on iOS and Android devices. Users can like clips, save them to My List to watch them later, or tap a 'Watch' button to view the full content. 

Tubi says its system will recommend more personalized videos to viewers when they engage with these clips. Content saved to My List can also be accessed across the 30+ devices where Tubi is available.

Mike Bidgoli, Tubi’s Chief Product and Technology Officer, highlighted the feature’s goal to cater to mobile users. “Currently, users either get a shrunk-down version of their TV streaming app on their phones or are limited to quick vertical videos on social platforms. We believe there’s a better way,” he said. 

Tubi is one of several companies embracing short-form video formats. Streaming platforms like Netflix have made similar moves, while social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok are expanding into longer content formats. In October, YouTube Shorts extended its video length to 3 minutes. 

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