
TikTok and Amazon join the AI

TikTok and Amazon join the AI

TikTok and Amazon join the AI

TikTok is gearing up to improve user experience

TikTok is gearing up to improve user experience

TikTok is gearing up to improve user experience

A merged image of TikTok and Amazon
A merged image of TikTok and Amazon
A merged image of TikTok and Amazon


  • TikTok's Genie aims to enhance user engagement with conversational AI.

  • While Amazon's Metis is a potential smart home assistant with advanced generative AI.

  • Both companies have invested significantly in AI over the years and will look to take market share from the likes of OpenAI.

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TikTok’s Genie

TikTok is gearing up to improve user experience with its new AI chatbot, "Genie." The social media app recently filed to trademark the name "Genie" as reported by Semafor. Genie is designed to simulate conversations, facilitate human-AI interactions, and produce human-like speech and text. This innovation aims to project TikTok beyond a simple video-sharing app by integrating comprehensive AI functionalities.

TikTok has been leveraging AI to refine its algorithms and develop new tools. In June, it unveiled Symphony Digital Avatars, a creative AI tool that allows “businesses of all sizes, creators and agencies” to “blend human imagination with AI-powered efficiency to help scale content development, creativity, and productivity on TikTok.”

According to The Verge, the company previously tested Tako, an AI recommendation chatbot, which guided users to relevant videos. Genie, however, is set to offer more. It combines  AI elements like generative AI search functions, digital avatars, and AI dubbing. This integration could significantly enhance user engagement by providing immediate responses and streamlining access to TikTok's diverse AI tools.

However, the launch of Genie comes at a critical time as TikTok faces potential divestment from its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, due to national security concerns raised by the Biden administration. Despite these challenges, TikTok is pushing forward to enhance user experience and engagement using AI chatbots. 

Amazon’s Metis

In the same vein, Amazon is at the forefront of the AI race, including a  $4 billion investment in Anthropic, the team behind chatbot Claude. According to Techradar, Amazon's new AI chatbot "Metis" aims to compete with ChatGPT. Metis will function as a web-based chatbot and a smart home assistant with features including smart thermostat integration, smart lighting, intercom systems, and music streaming all made possible through voice commands. It also integrates features like text responses, source linking, and image generation.

Advanced AI Capabilities

Metis distinguishes itself by utilizing retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), which allows AI to access and utilize information beyond its training data. This capability gives Metis a competitive edge, enabling it to provide up-to-date responses and perform complex tasks. The chatbot is powered by Olympus, an advanced AI model, and leverages resources from Amazon's Alexa team, according to Techradar.

Both TikTok & Amazon are utilizing their unique strengths to attempt to enhance user experience and engagement through advanced AI functionalities. As they prepare to launch these innovative tools, the competitive dynamics in the AI sector are set to intensify.



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