Reddit has announced the launch of new updates for businesses. The platform is introducing ‘Reddit Pro Trends’ to analyze trends and AMA Ads to host Q&A sessions.

Reddit Pro Trends

Reddit Pro Trends allows businesses to monitor conversations and trends related to specific keywords, phrases, or topics in real-time. Reddit claims that with this tool, brands will understand what Redditors discuss about their products, categories, and viral trends.

According to the platform, Reddit Pro Trends will let brands visualize and access data showing conversation volume over time to identify trends and Redditors’ interests. The tool will also list Reddit communities discussing specific topics for brands to locate and understand their target audiences.

Image of Reddit Pro Trends that allow businesses to monitor live discussions around specific keywords, phrases, or topics.

Businesses can also browse live discussions mentioning tracked keywords to identify engagement opportunities using Reddit Pro Trends.  

The feature can be accessed within a new “Trends” tab on our Reddit Pro menu. 


Reddit is also adding ‘AMA Ads.’ The feature will allow businesses to host and promote “Ask Me Anything” sessions. Reddit says the tool was created to expand the reach of Q&A sessions and increase user engagement.

Businesses can create and promote AMA sessions directly from the Reddit Ads Manager. The tool will use a “Remind Me” button for users and will track RSVPs within Reddit Ads Manager.

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