HubSpot’s new free tool shows how AI platforms perceive a company
- Hubspot AI Search Grader is free and can be used as often as needed to analyze brand presence and performance.
- Brands can use the tool to receive detailed insights about their visibility, sentiment, and share of voice.
- Currently, this feature is accessible on GPT-4o with plans to integrate the tool into other AI search engines.
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HubSpot 'AI Search Grader' is a free tool designed to help brands analyze their performance across AI search engines. AI Search Grader helps to “spot where you are doing well and where you can improve to increase brand awareness and sentiment” according to the company.
The feature will help pinpoint areas where a brand is performing and highlight opportunities for enhancement. In other words, the tool will reveal whether a brand is perceived well or poorly on ChatGPT.
In a LinkedIn post, Kieran Flanagan, Chief Marketing Officer at Hubspot, explained that, with AI search Grader, users can understand their visibility and perception in AI search results.
How the AI Search Grade tool works and its benefit
To use this tool, a text input field is provided for users to enter certain information including the brand name, business location, a brief description of their products or services, and business type.
Once this is done, users can click on the “Grade My Brand” button. Once clicked, the AI Search Grader will generate a detailed report on the brand’s performance. This report includes sentiment analysis and a performance score, reflecting how well your brand is represented in AI search results.
Samira Tatavoussian, Account Executive at HubSpot, claimed on LinkedIn that the new feature will help marketers stay "ahead of the curve". This means that the tool could give marketers an edge by providing information about how their brand is represented in AI chat results.
This feature currently evaluates results from only GPT-4o, with future updates to cover more platforms.