Google Ads is rolling out a new video enhancement feature that automatically shortens existing video ads for Demand Gen campaigns. The company says the goal is to help advertisers engage different audiences with shorter versions of their ads.

The update was first shared by Julie Friedman Bacchini on X. Bacchini posted a screenshot of Google’s email to advertisers. According to the email, the feature will be enabled by default across all Demand Gen ad campaigns.

Advertisers can opt out before March 10, 2025

While the update will be turned on automatically, advertisers have until March 10, 2025, to opt-out. After this date, all ads with the setting enabled will start serving shorter versions of their original videos.

Google’s email advises advertisers to manage their video enhancement settings by visiting or working with their Google sales representatives.

What this means for advertisers

The new feature could impact advertisers who prefer full control over their ad creative. Since the feature is opt-out, advertisers who do not want their videos shortened will need to adjust their settings before the deadline.

For those who want to keep the feature enabled, Google claims it will help adjust ads to different audience preferences without requiring additional manual edits.

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