Disney has reported an estimated 157 million global monthly active users (MAUs) across its streaming platforms—Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+. This figure includes 112 million users from the U.S. and Canada and is based on an average calculated over the past six months.

This is the first time the company is releasing data about its streaming audience on its ad-supported tiers. The data was shared during Disney’s Tech and Data Showcase at CES in Las Vegas. 

Disney’s reported 157 million global MAUs place it ahead of some competitors. Netflix announced 70 million ad-supported viewers in November 2024, while Fox’s Tubi recently reported 97 million.

How Disney calculates its ad-supported audience 

Disney explained the methodology behind these figures. The company says its ad-supported MAUs are users who streamed content with ads for over 10 seconds. Each active account is multiplied by a global average of 2.6 users per subscription to estimate total viewership.

The data is based on first-party survey data involving over 13,000 respondents aged 18–64 in regions with advertising tiers. However, the estimate does not deduplicate users subscribed to multiple platforms, meaning a user subscribed to Disney+ and Hulu could be counted twice.

Rita Ferro, Disney’s president of global advertising, emphasized the company’s commitment to transparency in defining ad-supported audience metrics. “Disney sits at the intersection of world-class sports and entertainment content with the most high-value audiences in ad-supported global streaming at scale,” Ferro said.

Ad-Supported streaming gains traction

The move toward ad-supported tiers aligns with Disney’s plan to drive profitability in its streaming business. In November, CEO, Bob Iger, said over half of new Disney+ subscribers in the U.S. are opting for the ad-supported tier. The company has also raised prices on ad-free options to drive more users to its ad-supported plans.

Disney reported $321 million in operating income for its combined streaming business in the September 2024 quarter, a significant turnaround from a $387 million loss in the same period the prior year.


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